About Me

I'm a mom, a teacher, a student, a wife, and a scout leader. I am actually an education major currently working on my practicum in a 2nd grade classroom. I also home school my two children. I'm also a cub scout leader, a girl scout leader, and at church I'm the children's music leader. ;) I tend to stay a little busy. My state requires homeschoolers to keep a portfolio. I am going to use this blog as my portfolio.

What am I?

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Easter Day 2 (family)

Song: He Died That We Might Live Again
Read: John 13:1-30
Then we talked about Christ washing the apostles' feet and the 'Last Supper'.

Afterwards, for dinner, we had our own 'last supper'. I tied blankets and towels on my kids so they were dressed like biblical people then we sat down for a picnic in the living room. This year we had lamb, unleavened bread and butter, red beans, rice, raisins, and honey.
Ideas came from Sugardoodle.

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