About Me

I'm a mom, a teacher, a student, a wife, and a scout leader. I am actually an education major currently working on my practicum in a 2nd grade classroom. I also home school my two children. I'm also a cub scout leader, a girl scout leader, and at church I'm the children's music leader. ;) I tend to stay a little busy. My state requires homeschoolers to keep a portfolio. I am going to use this blog as my portfolio.

What am I?

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Book Report Ideas

My kids have finished The Trumpet of the Swan so now they have to do a book report on it. I have given them several options and thought I'd post it here. That way I have all my ideas right here together. :)

Book Mobile! More info here: http://www.performingineducation.com/2014/11/a-spin-on-tradition-book-report-t.html
This is one of my favorites --- one column is the plot, one is the setting, and one is the characters. They drew a picture on one side and wrote about it on the other. Perfect!
 Character Reports! Found here: http://www.uniqueteachingresources.com/character-body-book-report.html
This one was cute too. They made people and then it looks like they put the "book report" on the body of the characters. Love it! Simple for those who don't like to write!
 Pizza Box! http://njtoday.net/2012/05/04/photo-clark-second-graders-craft-pizza-box-biographies/
This is fun! The outside of the box is the title of the book and then the interior is the information on the book. 
 Pop-up Book Reports! http://www.3rdgradethoughts.com/2013/04/updated-animal-research-reports.html
Pop up books because everyone loves pop up books!
 Character Bottles! https://www.flickr.com/photos/smcl/4390208785/in/photostream/
There was no information on these but I thought they were pretty self explanatory. A Styrofoam ball = soda bottle equals character! :) 
Book Report Diorama! http://mrscolegrovesfourthgrade.blogspot.com/2013/03/shoebox-dioramas-to-talk-about-setting.html
I used to love these when I was in school.
Movie Poster!!
They pretend the book is being made into a movie and create a poster to help promote the movie.

Since we're homeschooled, a great opportunity to teach the students how to use Power Point would be to have them create slides to explain what happened in the book.

The students write about the book on the outside of the bag -- setting, character illustration and so on. On the inside the student collects 10 things that remind them of the book. They present it and explain why each object reminds them of the book.

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