About Me

I'm a mom, a teacher, a student, a wife, and a scout leader. I am actually an education major currently working on my practicum in a 2nd grade classroom. I also home school my two children. I'm also a cub scout leader, a girl scout leader, and at church I'm the children's music leader. ;) I tend to stay a little busy. My state requires homeschoolers to keep a portfolio. I am going to use this blog as my portfolio.

What am I?

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Letter 'A' - Day 5

Yes, I know... I'm a slacker and didn't get this posted yesterday. Sorry!!!
To make this little alligator fact book we got 'several birds with one stone'. First, following oral instructions. I talked him through directions of drawing an alligator. I used the dry erase board and demonstrated as I spoke it. His turned out quite differently from mine but that's okay... it' really cute!
Science: I asked Collin if he could remember what an alligator eats? He drew pictures of animals and a snake (it's on the back of the above book. Then I asked him about the alligator's habitat and he drew a picture of it. Then I asked what the coolest thing was about alligators (of course, he said teeth).
Then we made some apple treats. I cut the apples in half and used a melon ball cutter to core out the seeds and put a hole in the middle of the apple half. Then Collin put 5 raisins in each half, a walnut broke into pieces, a dollop of honey, and sprinkled with cinnamon. Then I helped him wrap them in aluminum  foil and place in the oven at 350*F for 45 minutes. 

While it was cooking I read Collin his first chapter book. It's ten chapters long and I thought we could read a chapter a day and finish it sometime next week... well, I was wrong. He didn't want me to put it down so we read the entire book! haha! We curled up on the couch w/ cocoa and popcorn. It was lots of fun!

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